Job Board


(This Resource has now been replaced by the Career Center mentioned above.)

National French teacher job listings Click on the red dot on each state for local openings & employment resources OR

Click HERE for a one-page list of all openings nationwide including ONLINE.

Have an opening to post? Click HERE to post on the National French Teacher CAREER CENTER Job Board.

In addition to submitting an opening here on the National French Teacher Job Board, post your opening on the Social Media of a local AATF chapter.

AATF of Alabama
AATF of Chicago/N IL FB
AATF of Chicago/N IL Twitter
AATF of Colorado/Wyoming
AATF of Connecticut
AATF of Greater St. Louis Twitter
AATF of Greater St. Louis FB
AATF of Iowa
AATF of Maine
AATF Pays du Nord
AATF of Rhode Island
AATF of Westchester NY
AATF of Delaware
AATF of Lehigh Valley (PA)
AATF of Maryland
AATF of Nebraska
AATF of Oklahoma
AATF of Utah
AATF of Washington and Alaska

National World Language Job Boards

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL): Job Central

National Education Job Boards

Diversity in Ed

K-12 Job Spot

National Network for Early Language Learning (NNELL) Job Placement

Nemnet Minority Recruitment • Diversity Career Fairs • Consulting Group

School Spring Job listing

Ed Week Top School Jobs

Private school Job Search Resources

Carney & Sandoe Placement Services

Council for American Private Education

Fairfield Teachers (CT) Placement Services

National Association of Independent Schools

Contact local AATF chapter leaders for job openings:

AATF of Arkansas
AATF of Central NY
AATF of Central Texas
AATF of Detroit
AATF of Florida
AATF of Georgia
AATF of Houston TX
AATF of Kansas
AATF of Metropolitan NY
AATF of Minnesota
AATF of Nassau NY
AATF of North Carolina
AATF of North Texas
AATF of Northern California
AATF of Northwest Indiana
AATF of Rhode Island
AATF of Rochester NY
AATF of South Carolina
AATF of Southern California
AATF of Tennessee
AATF of Washington/Alaska
AATF of Wisconsin


State World Language Associations

  • Consult WL association webpages for announcements of openings
Alabama Association of Foreign Language Teachers
Alaskans for Language Acquisition
Arizona Language Association
Arkansas Foreign Language Teachers Association
California Language Teachers Association
Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers
Connecticut Council of Language Teachers
Delaware Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Florida Foreign Language Association
Foreign Language Association of Georgia
Hawaii Association of Language Teachers
Idaho Association of Teachers of Language and Culture
Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association
Iowa World Language Association
Kansas World Language Association
Kentucky World Languages Association
Louisiana Foreign Language Teachers Association
Foreign Language Association of Maine
Maryland Foreign Language Association
Massachusetts Foreign Language Association
Michigan World Languages Association
Minnesota Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Mississippi Foreign Language Association
Foreign Language Association of Missouri
Montana Association of Language Teachers
Nebraska International Language Association
Professional Language Association of Nevada
New Hampshire Assoc. of World Language Teachers
Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey
New Mexico Organization of Language Educators
New York State Assoc. of Foreign Language Teachers
Foreign Language Association of North Carolina
Foreign Language Association of North Dakota
Ohio Foreign Language Association
Oklahoma Foreign Language Teachers’ Association
Confederation in Oregon for Language Teaching
Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association
Rhode Island Foreign Language Association
South Carolina Foreign Language Teachers’ Association
South Dakota World Languages Association
Tennessee Foreign Language Teaching Association
Texas Foreign Language Association
Utah Foreign Language Association
Vermont Foreign Language Association
Foreign Language Association of Virginia
Washington Association of Foreign Language Teachers
Greater Washington, DC Assoc. of Teachers of Foreign Languages
West Virginia Foreign Language Teachers Association
Wisconsin Association for Language Teachers
Wyoming Foreign Language Teachers Association

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