Undergraduate French + Education Programs: Path to Licensure
Sample Programs
Boston University (MA)
Elmhurst University (IL)
Montclair State University (NJ)
Texas Christian University (TX)
University of Illinois at Chicago (IL)
State by State Listing of K-12 French Education programs
FAQ Undergraduate French + Education
Field Experience
“Organizing professional education around the development of clinical
skill requires multiple opportunities to practice and get feedback throughout a preparation program. Some of this practice can occur productively in designed settings or simulations. At some point, however, novices need structured opportunities to gain experience in authentic settings of actual teaching practice. Accordingly, all teacher education programs include field experiences in their curriculum…”
A Policy Brief: Learning to Practice: The Design of Clinical Experience in Teacher Preparation, 2010, Pam Grossman Nomellini-Olivier, Professor of Education, Stanford University
Clinical Experience I: 3rd year, regular visits to schools that include observation and participation supervised by qualified teachers in their own classrooms
Clinical Experience II: 4th year, 10 – 14 weeks hands-on student teaching supervised by a qualified cooperating teacher.
Five Benefits of Student Teaching, BestValue Schools, 2020
Graduate Programs that Lead to Licensure
How a student can become a K-12 French teacher...
- IF their college/ does not have a French + Education program
- IF they decide late in their college career to be a teacher?
- IF they want to switch careers